PAWS is Recruiting Active Adults
PAWS is a Luxon guild recruiting active adults who are interested in PvE and alliance battles. We do require you to be at least 18 years old.
If you would like to read about our guild, you can find us at
On the right side of the site is an area where you can read about PAWS. Please read the code of conduct as well as our creed there. After reading these, if you are still interested in joining our guild, please look on the left side of our site under membership and fill out the application there. Once you have filled out the application using your main character's in game name, please submit it.
We are members of the NICE Alliance, and we strictly enforce no cussing in all chat forums. Racist remarks and sex talk are not appropriate in our alliance as well as spamming or begging in chat.
We do have two requirements to be a part of our guild. The first is for our web site. If you do not log into our web site at least once every 30 days, you will be removed from the guild. The second requirement is if you go inactive in the game for 30 days, you will be removed as well.
We would like for you to look at all the name's of your characters and make sure that none of them have vulgar names.
Our guild has a ranking system using the themes of bears and angels. The alliance leader is called the Archangel. The guildleader is called Angelbear. The officers are Seraphbears, and the members are called Cherubcubs. Alliance leaders are Allianceangels, officers are Allianceseraphs, and members are Alliancecherubs.
We have members from all over the world, and they enjoy playing together as a group. We have events every month as does our alliance. Events can be as simple as conquering a dungeon, guiding members to other locations, or capping skills. Vanquishing, faction farming, and giving advice on builds is all part of what we do.
We are not interested in high numbers for our guild, but we are interested in getting quality players who just enjoy playing the game. Come join us. I am on line every day, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Ursa Ventura
Last edited by Ursa Ventura; Feb 13, 2009 at 09:53 PM // 21:53..